

  1. Graduating senior of Cashmere High School

  2. Must have attended Cashmere High School for at least the last two years of their high school career

  3. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated scholastic ability, achievement, an assessment of future success, and demonstrated desire, interest, and planning for post-secondary education

  4. Two letters of recommendation are required: one from a Cashmere School District staff person AND one from a community member

  5. Renewal is possible; previous recipients will be invited to submit a renewal application

An application to the Cashmere Schools Foundation makes the student eligible for all of the 22 scholarships provided by the Cashmere Schools Foundation. Applications for scholarships are facilitated through the Community Foundation of North Central Washington website.

Timelines & Deadlines

Applications Open: January 1st Application Deadline: April 1st

IT-Technology Scholarship

One $2,000 award

Cashmere Schools Foundation Scholarships

Two $3,000 awards and six $2,000 awards

Spirit of Ron Doane Scholarship

Two $2,000 awards

Open Door Scholarship

One $2,000 award

Connie Robertson Memorial Scholarship

One $1,000 award

Veterans Scholarship

One $2,000 award

Jack and Doris Rae Collins Memorial Scholarship

One $1,000 award

Cashmere Memorial Scholarship

One $1,000 award

Lori Ward Memorial Scholarship

One $1,000 award

Horan Estates Winery Athletic Scholarship

Two $1,500 awards

Margaret Boswell Memorial Scholarship

One $1,000 award

Linda Luebeck Memorial Scholarship

One $1,000 award

From the Heart Scholarship

One $2,000 award

Hardship Scholarship

One $2,000 award

Cashmere Lions Club Scholarship

One $2,000 award

Vocational Scholarship

One $2,000 award

Bob Wildfang “I Will Make A Difference” Scholarship

One $2,500 award

Gary Robertson Memorial Scholarship

One $1,500 award

Duane Brunner Memorial Scholarship

One $2,000 award

Lawrence and Dorothy Spanjer Memorial Vocational Scholarship

One $2,000 award

Keith and Jackie James Memorial Scholarship

One $500 award

Martin’s Marketplace Business Scholarship

One $1,500 award

Mary Jo Milne Memorial Scholarship

One $2,000 award

Phyllis Blackburn Memorial Scholarship

One $1,000 award